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The Cubs’ Room

greenBabies can start at the nursery from 3 months old, they will stay in the Cubs room until they are about 18 months old.  The Cubs room is completely self-contained with its own sleep area, kitchen and nappy changing area.  We can take up to 12 babies in this room with a staff to child ratio of 1:3.  We will work closely with parents to ensure that each baby has a routine which suits them whilst fitting in with the daily pattern of the room. During their time in the Cubs room, our practitioners will support babies to build secure relationships, develop their babbling and sounds and begin moving their bodies with purpose. There is a separate outside play area where the babies can enjoy lots of different activities in a safe and secure environment as well as lots of toys and activities to enjoy inside.




Please find more information about our curriculum in The Cubs’ Room, here: Cubs’ Curriculum

Bottle Feeding Policy and Procedure


Each child has a keyperson who will become their ‘special’ person at nursery, we operate a ‘Buddy’ system just in case your keyperson isn’t in one day.  We work to the EYFS and a ‘Learning Journey’  is produced for each child which charts their development, as part of our ‘Parents’ in Partnership’  we encourage contributions throughout the year by completing ‘At Home I Can’ slips,  parents can look at the Learning Journey at any time, if you want to take it away and comment then you are most welcome but we will ask you to sign it out so that we can keep track of it as it really is quite important, it is then yours to take away with you when it comes to the time for your child to leave the nursery.



(Content updated 13.02.2023 )                                                                                                         

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